Secretary's Message
GVS School
I would like to thank the almighty for the past and placing ourselves under his protection and guidance for the future.
The concept of education has changed in a big and seemingly unmanageable way in the recent time. Man's adherence to and rejection of certain practices have thrown up new challenges. Today education has opened new vistas. Improvement of Self remains not only a non-changing factor but has assumed greater significance. School and teachers have a more important role to play in the life of a student. He/she has to accomplish something more than imparting knowledge. There has never been a greater need to respect to a child's sensitivities. Teachers, in order to ensure proper, orderly and optimum growth of child have to mark an effort to learn to respect his/her personality. The schools and teachers must ensure that the child does not have to work under stress, it should, in any case have to reduce to sheer minimum.
GVS School provides specialized and qualified professional counsellors for career and personality development of the students. Often quality workshops are organized to motivate teachers and students for better tomorrow. In our curriculum technology aids, power point presentation, smart class room with interactive board and 3D audio- video room are part and parcel in our teaching.
I feel good to say that GVS School is best equipped with all technological aids which our students acquire and imbibe for their bright future. Besides a wonderful infrastructure the students of GVS School live in an aura that has been greatly enriched by a dedicated teaching faculty. The school prides itself of a teaching staff that is totally devoted to the cause of child development backed with rich experience.
GVS School strives at developing future leaders who can lead lives in any dimension and therefore aims to tutor its children in an environment where each child can realise his innate potential. Our motto is "committed to value based quality education" and is the guiding light for the grand vision that we have for our children.